The best school
of life

“My travel is the best experience ever. My adventure is worth all the diplomas as I am a student at the school of life”

who am i ?

A Traveller

Would like to discover the world, exchange with the people from all countries, all jobs and all horizons

A Hitchhiker

Left France on the 4th of February with the idea to reach New-Zealand by hitchhiking.
Already crossed 19 countries, done 33000 km thanks to more than 700 drivers

A Teacher

Came in many school to present the travel, the art of hitchhiking and motivate students to discover the word

“I discovered wonderful landscapes, visited beautiful cities, tasted amazing food but above all I met unforgettable people”

Why do I come into schools ?

  • Give the opportunity to student to practice english with a foreigner
  • Want to introduce the different cultures, countries and people
  • Present the art of hitchhiking which is wonderful way to discover, discuss and learn from anybody
  • Promote values such as to be open minded, be eager to learn and get the will to discover

In 33000 km I met ...

A doctor

A painter

A shoemaker

A student

Each of these people, let me forever with a smile, a memory, a quote or a life lesson. Rich from all these people, I would like to motivate you to learn english, be more open minded and always wanting to discover !

Many values essential to do hitchhiking are also really important in everyday life. Indeed, try to be patient, to smile as often as possible, be kind to stranger, question yourself and interact with new people !

Outcomes from all my exchanges

Be always positive, see the good side of every single event

Always try to be nice and to help other people

Live the best life possible, live the life you want for you

Best quote

"A smile when someones says me hello, the key to have a good day !"

"Enjoy every victory, you don't know when will be the next"

"When I was doing the commando, only thinking about the next meal makes me continue"

"Politicians hate eachother, not the people on the field"